主演:卡琳·甘比尔 碧姬·莱尔 NadinePascal FranceLomay EricFalk WillStoer ClaudiaFielers NadineDeRangot 欧文C.迪特里希 ChristaFree PaulGrau IlonkaList HelmiSigg 梅莉塔·特格勒 Claudia Fielers 欧文 C.迪特里希
- 八戒
GEFANGENE FRAUEN (better known in the US as ISLAND WOMEN) is a fantastic WIP film directed by Erwin Dietrich with an amazing cast the includes Brigitte Lahaie, Karine Gambier, France Lomay, Nadine Pascal, Krista Free and Eric Falk. In a South American country the El President; decides he has to hide the prostitutes who work in his brothels. His plaything, Karine Gambier sugges...